Mission Partners

As a church we love that we are part of God's mission to the world through Jesus. As we seek to make, mature, and multiply disciples in everything we do, we also have specific mission groups that meet regularly.

This group meets most months to discuss how we can best pray for and support our mission partners. For more information, contact the leader of the Mission Partners Group, David and Mary Lean via the church office. You can also read about our various mission partnerships below  

Praying for 7.30AM: This group meets each month to pray for the mission and outreach of our 7.30AM congregation. For more information, contact John Strachan via the church office.

Religious Instruction: At St Bart’s we support RI in public schools by prayer and a number of our members are involved in teaching RI.

Creation Care: Members of the Creation Care Mission Group regularly control weeds in a section of forest behind the church buildings and encourage regeneration of indigenous plant species. This habitat is a remnant of blackbutt-dominated forest in the south-east of Toowoomba city, mapped by the Queensland Government as an endangered regional ecosystem. For more information, contact the office.

2023 Mission Partners

In 2023, we’re delighted to be supporting our five mission partners from last year again. This year we are very excited to continue to partner with the Langmead family working with BCA at Lightning Ridge. We will also be continuing our partnership with M in the middle east in working in a locked down area. Please be continuing to pray for our mission partners and be in contact with their liaisons below. Every week their prayer points will be in the NEWS and in snippets.

For more information, please contact any of the liaison people or with the coordinator of the Mission Partners group, Geoff Bishop.

LOCAL - SU Chaplaincy

Cath Skuse - Middle Ridge State School

Cath is new to Middle Ridge in Term 1 2023. She has worked previously with SU around the Darling Downs.

Type of Support: Prayer, Financial, Practical
St Bart’s Liaisons: Geoff Bishop

Gabbinbar State School - SU Chaplain (Vacant)

We are really excited to continue our support with SU at Gabbinbar in 2023. Gabbinbar is currently vacant.

Type of Support: Prayer, Financial, Practical
St Bart’s Liaisons: Sheila Forknall

Jason Berry - Centenary Heights State School

Jason serves at Centenary Heights and also the Flexischool. His role involves coordinating the pastoral team.

Type of Support: Prayer, Financial, Practical
St Bart’s Liaisons: Ben Meinert


Bush Church Aid

The Langmead family began their term in Lightning Ridge in early 2020. Kurt and Rebecca have always loved sharing their lives and the gospel with people in places that others might miss. Together with their local church and wider network of supporters, they are prayerfully seeking to be “Building Christ’s Church – in the Ridge, on the Rock" – that is, the solid rock of Christ and his word. St Bart’s seeks to provide support and encouragement to Kurt and Rebecca, and their children (June 8, Arthur 6, Lydia 4, and Jeremiah 2).

Type of Support: Prayer, Financial, and Practical
St Bart’s Liaison: Penny Fuelling

Bishop Daniel Deng

Bishop Daniel is currently working as a resource church specialist within the Anglican Church of Southern Queensland. His role is to help support ethnic congregations within the diocese, resource them, and help raise up leaders. His ministry enables the Gospel to go out into many different communities around Southern Queensland. St Bart's have partnered with Daniel over many years, and are looking forward to strengthening this partnership for 2023. Daniel is married to Rachel and they have seven kids.

Type of Support: Prayer, Financial, and Practical.
St Bart’s Liaison: David Lean


Church Missionary Society

This year we will be continuing our support for M. M is a CMS missionary in partnership with a mobilising company operating in the Middle East for about 2 & ½ years. M works in a medical field and part of a Christian community in a region where the majority community is of another faith. M is taking an intensive Arabic grammar course and to help them become fluent in the language.

Type of Support: Prayer, Financial. Due to distance, practical support is limited.

St Bart’s Liaison: Barry Stone

Anglican Overseas Aid

Anglican Overseas Aid is an overseas relief and development agency of the Anglican Church of Australia. Our work is an expression of our Christian faith through which we seek to bring about a peaceful, just and sustainable world for all. Anglican Overseas Aid’s work is funded and energised through friendships, hard work, a shared Anglican expression of Christian faith and everyday acts of unity.

Type of Support: Prayer, Financial. Due to distance, practical support is limited.

St Bart’s Liaison: Ben Meinert