Try Alpha

in-person & online

Alpha is for anyone and everyone who wants to explore life and the Christian faith, ask questions, and share their point of view.

Try Alpha
Alpha is a series of fun dinner and group conversation evenings centred around exploring the big questions of life, spirituality, and faith in a laid back and non-judgmental environment.

Each week guests come along in-person (or online), watch a short film, and then have a facilitated conversation exploring topics about the Christian faith. Whether you’re just checking it out, new to faith, curious, skeptical, coming back to church, or just have honest questions - bring them to Alpha and explore them with new friends!

Join us for the Alpha Launch Night on Monday, October 7 at 6.30pm! This is opening night of Alpha, but is also designed to be a one-off taster of what you can expect from Alpha. It will be a fun evening with a free dinner, live music, meeting new people & a short film. If you enjoy it, you're welcome to continue! Alpha runs for 8 weeks, beginning on the Launch Night - Mondays October 7 to November 25.

Join us for Alpha

Can we pray for you?

About the Alpha Course
A Typical Night at Alpha

Welcome & Dinner | 6.30 - 6.50pm
Enjoy a drink when you arrive and join your group of new friends for a casual, catered dinner. We will welcome everyone joining online at 6.45pm.

Watch | 6.50 - 7.20pm
Each Alpha session has a short 25-minute film. These films inspire questions about big issues of faith, unpacking the basics of Christianity. Questions addressed include: Who is Jesus? How can we have faith?

Discuss & Dessert | 7.20 - 8.00pm
The best part of the night is the group time, where your host will lead a conversation in your group. You can share your thoughts and experiences of life and faith, especially about the film we've just watched. There is no pressure to share and you can say whatever you like - it's up to you. It’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly and open environment. Online groups will join break-out rooms on Zoom.