March 10, 2019

Acts: Signs, Wonder, and Opposition

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Acts 5:12-42

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Are there areas in your life in which you are in danger of being led by the desires of the enemy instead of the desires of the Spirit? How can you stand firm in faith?

WARM-UP  Questions

  1. How does hindsight make a difference in the way you live your life? Share some examples.
  2. Looking back, how has God been at work in your life? 

READ Acts 5:12-18

  1. Who was the one really behind the healings and miracles? Why is this so vital to remember?
  2. What was the role of the miracles in the early church? What importance did teaching have?
  3. Who were the Sadducees and why were they jealous? What does this say about the state of their heart or who they fear? What did they want to accomplish in arresting the Apostles?

READ Acts 5:19-26

  1. The Sadducees and High Priest thought they had the Apostles under their thumb and that they were in control. What does this section tell us about who is really in control? How does this impact the way you live your life?
  2. Why do you think the angel told them to continue to teach in the public place? What does this tell us about the role of teaching and proclaiming?
  3. Putting yourselves in the Apostles' shoes, how would you react? How did the Apostles react? 

READ Acts 5:27-33; 39-42

  1. What is behind the questioning of the High Priest? What is his motivation?
  2. Why would Peter’s opening sentence be so offensive to the council?
  3. What is the main point of Gamaliel’s speech? Why can this be dangerous in seeing whether a movement is from God or not? What is our point of reference for discerning God’s will?
  4. How did the Apostles react to the flogging and order not to teach? Why did they do these things?
  5. Looking at the passage overall, how was God at work? How should this give us confidence as we go out onto our front lines? 
  6. What are some ways that you can remind yourself of God’s authority this week?

APPLY This Week: How is God using you on your front lines to make disciples?

Sovereign Lord, thank you that you are in control. We thank you for the privilege it is to be a disciple and play a part in making disciples. Help us to rely on you and have the confidence that you are at work even when we don’t see it. Please help us to be fruitful in your mission. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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