February 3, 2019

Acts: The Day of the Lord

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Acts 2:1-39

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: What is one opportunity for you to connect with or pray for your ‘one key person’ who you are hoping becomes a Christian?

WARM-UP  Questions

  1. What sort of things empower and inspire you (e.g., coffee, encouragement, Jane Austen novels etc.)? As Christians, what is the true source of our power?

READ Acts 2:1-21

  1. Why were the disciples all gathered together? In your own words describe what happens next…
  2. What is the significance of the Holy Spirit enabling people to understand each other’s languages (see Genesis 11:1-9, Joel 2:28-32)? What do we learn about the coming of the Holy Spirit here?
  3. In verse 12, what did some of the onlookers assume what was happening? Why do you think that they could have thought that? Why was that clearly not the case?
  4. What is meant by verse 21? Is that still relevant today?
  5. How does the Holy Spirit help equip and enable us to share the Good News on our front lines?

READ Acts 2:22-39

  1. How did Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection fulfil biblical prophecy? What does this passage claim that Jesus’ miracles pointed to? 
  2. What does v.23 tell us about God the Father’s and Jesus’ (God the Son) roles in the crucifixion? 
  3. Why is it important that we understand that King Jesus is superior to King David? 
  4. How does Peter convey the wonderful news of Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and exaltation as Lord and Messiah? What would happen if one of these aspects of Jesus’ life never happened? 
  5. Before Jesus’ crucifixion Peter denied Jesus three times. Where does his confidence now come from?
  6. What can we learn from Peter’s proclamation of the Gospel in v.36? Was he trying to please people?
  7. How do the people respond to Peter’s preaching? What is repentance? What is baptism?
  8. If we are Christians, how can we be confident that we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit?

APPLY This Week: How can you rely more on the Holy Spirit as you seek to share the Gospel with your ‘one key’ person this week?

Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit and the reminder that we cannot make disciples on our own. Please equip, inspire, and guide us as we commit to discipling others. Amen!
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: What weekly opportunities do you have to build relationship and share the Good News with the person you are praying for?

For Families 

Audio and Video

Other Helpful Articles and Courses

  • ‘Lesson 4-4: The Meaning of Pentecost, The Sermon that Launched the Church, The Call of the Sovereign God’ by Stephen J. Cole
  • Part 1 \\ Part 2 \\ Part 3

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