God’s Story
January 24, 2021

God's Story: New Creation

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Revelation 21:1-8; 21:22-22:7

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How can we ensure we never forget the reality of our redemption?


  1. What are some of the common misconceptions about New Creation/Heaven?
  2. What sort of New Creation does the Bible point to? How is this such better news?

READ Revelation 21:1-18

  1. What did John see in his vision? What is meant by “a new heaven and a new earth”?
  2. What is the significance of the Holy City being prepared as a bride?
  3. Why is God’s dwelling amongst his people central to the vision of New Creation? How does this contrast to humanity’s relationship with God since the fall (recalling the original garden, too.)
  4. Where else in these two chapters do we see an amazing intimacy with God described?
  5. What are the descriptors of New Creation regarding its beauty? What do you think this will be like?
  6. What will be excluded from New Creation for good? Why is this good news?
  7. What are examples of tears, death, mourning, crying, and pain? What are you looking forward to being gone? (Spend some time later giving thanks to God that these things won’t be part of New Creation.)

READ Revelation 22:1-15

  1. What was the significance of the Temple in Judaism? Why is there no need for the Temple in New Creation? How is community a key part of New Creation?
  2. In these two chapters, what is the evidence that part of New Creation means eternal life? How is it evident that this gift flows from the Lord himself? How does this differ to the original Eden?
  3. According to these two chapters, who are the ones excluded from New Creation? Standing on our own merit, would we also be outsiders? What is the consequence?
  4. By what means can we - or anyone - be part of God’s New Creation? How can we be confident of this?
  5. If we don’t know when this time will come, yet we can be confident that these words are true, what does it look like to live in readiness for Jesus’ return?
  6. How should the news of New Creation spur us onto proclaim the Good News today?
  7. What most excites you about New Creation? How should that cause you to live differently today?
  8. As you reflect on the past four weeks in our “God’s Story” series, has there been a particular week that has stood out for you? How has it helped you as a passionate follower of Jesus?

APPLY: How can you live in a way that points to the certainty of that yet to come?

Gracious God, we thank you so much for the Good News of New Creation that has been made possible through Jesus. Please help us to live daily in anticipation of this reality. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: What opportunities do you have this week to model godly character?

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