Joy in Christ
September 22, 2024

Joy in Christ: Gospel Mindset

The Rev'd Mark Fairhurst
Philippians 2:1-11

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect Take some time this week to consider and reconsider how prioritising the gospel should shape your life?


  1. What do you love most about Christian community? What has helped you to participate in Christian community most?
  2. Do you think our culture values humility? How is the Christian idea of humility radical?

Read Philippians 2:1-4

  1. Have you known any encouragement, comfort, common sharing the Spirit, tenderness, or compassion as a result of being united in Christ? Can you share some examples?
  2. If we have experienced any of these things, how does Paul encourage us to respond?
  3. In what way do you think this makes Paul’s joy complete? Have you ever experienced this, too?
  4. What do you think are the common mindsets that we share as a body of believers?
    What helps to nurture this common mindset? What makes it challenging?
  5. What—according to Paul—should we not do? Do you find this challenging?
  6. How does Paul define humility? What has it been like when you have witnessed this in others?
  7. In what areas are you most challenged to be humble? What might help you grow in this area?

Read Philippians 2:5-11

  1. In this glorious ‘hymn’ of praise, what part most stands out for you and fills you with joy?
  2. What are the core characteristics of Jesus that we are to imitate in our lives? For some of your frontlines, share what this might look like in practice. 
  3. Does being in ‘the appearance of man’ mean that Jesus wasn’t truly human?
  4. How did Jesus model and live out perfect obedience? How would you like to grow in obedience?
  5. Do you think our serving can in some way point to Jesus’ ultimate act of service? In what way?
  6. When a community lives like this, what is the potential for witness? Do you have any examples?
  7. Given this section of chapter 2, how important is Christian community? What have you found most helpful in nurturing your place in Christian community? What are the opportunities to grow?
  8. Because Jesus was obedient even unto death, what did God do? How should Jesus’ exaltation be both a cause for celebration and encouragement to us?
  9. How comprehensive is Jesus’ Lordship? What do you think that day will be like when every knee bends?

Apply What is one way—this week—you can contribute to our local community being a community of joy?

Gracious Father, please help us in the very power of your Spirit to together share in the very mind of Christ. May that mindset be reflected toward the ‘other’, as servants, through witness, and in joy. Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Front Line this Week

God rested. How can you trust him by resting this week?

For Families

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