March 24, 2019

Acts: Are These Charges True?

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Acts 7:1-56

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Write a list of gifts you have been given and ways you can exercise these gifts to communicate the Gospel with those on your front line.

WARM-UP  Questions

  1. Have there been times in your life in which your heart has been more or less open to God? When were those times and what has that taught you about following Jesus?

READ Acts 7:1-36

  1. What do we know about Stephen so far? Why did he invoke such strong reactions?
  2. What is the actual charge against Stephen? (clue: see chapter 6.) What is at the heart of the claim?
  3. As Stephen responds to the charges, what four periods of Israel’s history does he appeal to? See if you can summarise those periods according to the leaders that he names.

READ Acts 7:44-56

  1. Through the examples provided, what is Stephen’s point about the tabernacle and temple in relation to where God actually ‘lives’? Contrary to the accusation, why has nothing actually changed?
  2. Whilst they accused Stephen (along with Jesus) of blaspheming (particularly speaking against the Law), how does his use of the Scriptures actually point to his high regard for the Law? (What is the Law?)
  3. As you share the Good News of Jesus, which parts of the Bible are you most likely to draw upon? How do you think you could come to know God’s Word better in order to equip you for evangelism?
  4. How is Jesus the fulfilment of both the Temple and the Law? Why are we not dependent upon buildings or ‘religious practices’ for God’s presence? How is God with us today?
  5. What was wrong with the hearts of those accusing Stephen? How was this consistent with their history?
  6. In what way can a blindness, or refusal to hear the news of Jesus, be so dangerous? Do you think you’re ever in danger of intentionally ‘switching-off’ to God? 
  7. What were the warnings that Stephen was offering to those listening? How was this a plea to repent?
  8. With Stephen’s death imminent, what are the three things that Stephen says about or to Jesus? What does this tell us about Jesus, Stephen, and our role in proclaiming the Gospel?

APPLY This Week:  What is one story of the Bible that you could know better in order for you to be better prepared to share the Good News?

Father, thank you for your faithfulness throughout all of history, despite our nature to run off and disobey. Thank you that even in our rebellion that you sent your Son to die for us and rise again. Thank you that you have promised to be with us, have gifted us your Holy Spirit, and will come again! Please help us to have open hearts to you, know your saving story better, and be emboldened to share it. Amen.

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