December 13, 2020

Ephesians: Proper vs Improper

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Ephesians 5:1-20

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: In one of your frontlines this week, what would be one particular expression of speaking truthfully, living peaceably, giving generously, or readily forgiving?


  1. Has there been a frontline in your life in which you find it particularly challenging to walk in God’s ways?
  2. How does walking in God’s way involve both a ‘putting on’ and a ‘taking off’?

READ Ephesians 5:1-7

  1. How might ‘walking in the way of love’ be a sacrifice pleasing to God? Is this earning our salvation?
  2. What does Paul mean by “not even a hint”? What sort of behaviour are we to actively avoid?
  3. Do you think sexual immorality is a challenge in our culture? How was it a challenge in the world of the Ephesians? Do you think it is a challenge for Christians today?
  4. With regard to sexual morality, how can we live distinctively amidst a world with very different ideals?
  5. What are the standards for our language and resource use? Can you think of some practical examples?
  6. What are the dangers (according to Paul) of not taking God’s standards seriously?
  7. Do you have any frontlines in which you find it challenging to live out this distinctive behaviour?
  8. Can you identify anything in your life - even a ‘hint’ of something - that you need to abandon in favour of walking in the light of God?

READ Ephesians 5:8-14

  1. If we were once in darkness, what are we now? What does this actually mean?
  2. How is discerning what pleases the Lord the first step to living as children of the light? Can you think of an example in your life right now in which you are trying to discern ‘what pleases the Lord’?
  3. What most helps you to live in the world but not of it? How can we encourage one another in this?
  4. What is your main frontline? How does the Gospel lead you to shine a light by living differently?

READ Ephesians 5:15-20

  1. What are the key aspects of living wisely? How does it affect our will, behaviour, words, and heart?
  2. How might approaching each day by considering both ‘what the Lord wills’ + ‘with thanksgiving’ really help you to live wisely and make the most of every opportunity?

APPLY: What do you need to abandon in your life in favour of walking in God’s light?

Heavenly Father, we thank you that it is because of Jesus that we are now children of the light. Please help us to abandon what does not please you, instead walking in the ways that you desire. Please shine a light in our hearts to expose even a hint of darkness, that we life wisely and make the most of every opportunity for your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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